Lentil Sage Field Roast

Good Day Everyone!  Can you believe it’s almost Christmas?!….oh how time flies!

Happy Winter Solstice to everyone too….that means our days will be slowly getting lighter again at night which I, personally, love.

This week I finally tried a ‘Field Roast’.  If you’re a “veg. head”, you’ve probably seen these around.  They are generally made from a company in Seattle Washington called, Grain Meat Co.  They are compact “roasts” made of various ingredients that can serve as a nice meat dish alternative for veggies and vegans over the holidays or anytime.

If you’ll look at the fine print below you can see I tried the Lentil Sage variety which I have to say I thought was quite good.  The consistency may not be to the liking of your average carnivore but I think most veggies might be used to this kind of consistency and still enjoy it.  The flavor was excellent and the ingredients are quality, consisting of fresh garlic, pardina, lentils, & rubbed sage to name a few.

I probably would serve it with a veggie or vegan gravy of sorts to create a moist texture to go along with the firmer, rubbery like texture of the loaf but all in all I think it’s a nice option as a meat sub. for “veggies”.

Also, the product isn’t a vegan option loaded with fat and oil that makes you want to ask why some vegans think they eat so much healthier than the larger population of people.  In my mind, to be a healthy veggie or vegan (especially vegan) you still need to be selective when eating vegan dishes to ensure a healthy diet.

This product contains 110 cals. / serving (2oz.), 1.5 g fat, 9g carb., 1g sugar, 3g fiber, and 16 grams of protein (the lentils provide an excellent protein source!).

So veggies, vegans and carnivores if you’re inclined, “give it a go” and let me know what you think!

To Equilibrium!


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